Dichotomous key boost
In addition to releasing upgrades to Fact Sheet Fusion and the Matrix Key Builder, a major addition to the Lucid suite in 2021 has been the release that brings together two key systems under the one platform. Previously released as separate software products, the Lucid (matrix) key system and the Lucid Phoenix key system are now available within Lucid v4, giving you the ability to create both matrix keys and dichotomous keys.
Lucid v4 also brings an improved ability to convert existing, text based dichotomous keys to interactive online keys. Converting existing dichotomous keys involves a simple three-step process:
1. Digitise hard copy dichotomous keys, using OCR, if not already available as electronic text.
2. Import the text based dichotomous key into the Lucid v4 Builder dichotomous key import dialog. The internal logic of the key will be automatically checked, and any inconsistencies reported to be fixed.
3. The finalised key can be deployed with the latest ‘instant play’ Lucid Player, allowing “unanswerable” couplets to be skipped, filters applied to automatically rebuild subsets of taxa, etc.
For more information go to https://help.lucidcentral.org/lucid/dichotomous-pathway-key-construction/ |