Author: Matt

Review in “Land for WildLife” by Stephanie Reif

By Matt

Review in “Land for WildLife” by Stephanie Reif This review of the latest app version of Rainforest Plants of Australia – from Victoria to Rockhampton (authored by Gwen Harden, Hugh Nicholson, Bill McDonald, Nan Nicholson, Terry Tame and John Williams) – notes that the app version follows on from the USB version and the…

Identifying Eucalypts made easy

By Matt

Identifying Eucalypts made easy This recent online article describes the history since 1997of a CSIRO project to develop EUCLID, an interactive Lucid key for identifying eucalypt species. Using the Australian National Herbarium’s collection of 65,000 eucalypt specimens, the first EUCLID key developed by the project team was a CD product, covering Eucalyptus species in…

International presentations

By Matt

International presentations In November, Geoff Norton gave keynote presentations in Hyderabad, India (at the 19th International Plant Protection Congress) and in Ningbo, China (at a Symposium to mark the establishment of a new national institution involving Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Ningbo University). The two presentations reviewed the development and application of various digital…

Queensland Shark and Ray ID tool

By Matt

This user-friendly identification tool has been developed to aid field identification of shark and ray species and families that may be encountered in Queensland’s inshore net fisheries. Correct species identification, although difficult, is crucial as it unpins accurate data collection for research, monitoring and evaluation of fishery stocks, and increases confidence in the assessments derived…

A Key to the genera of Australian Jumping Spiders (Araneae: Salticidae)

By Matt

The key is intended to meet the needs of naturalists, biologists and taxonomists who wish to identify Australian jumping spiders. The character set has high redundancy (99 characters, 293 character states) allowing users to begin with whatever observable characters are available to them when using photographs, a high-powered hand lens or a microscope.